Recent decisions

Citation Title
[2024] NSWSC 1346 The Estate of Nelly Mary Aston; The Estate of Riley Davis Aston
[2024] NSWSC 1137 R v Alex & Ors (Trial Ruling No 7)
[2024] NSWLEC 108 Seek Justice Pty Ltd v Minister for Lands and Water
[2024] NSWLEC 1676 Easter Developments Pty Ltd v Shoalhaven City Council
[2024] NSWLEC 110 Slattery v Dunn (No 3)
[2024] NSWLEC 1674 DDS Group Investments Pty Ltd v Liverpool City Council
[2024] NSWLEC 1673 Hammock Investments Pty Ltd v Valuer General of New South Wales
[2024] NSWLEC 1677 Bureau SRH Pty Ltd v Woollahra Municipal Council  Am
[2024] NSWLEC 1675 Warrawong Greene Developments Pty Ltd v Wollongong City Council
[2024] NSWSC 1342 In the matter of Camelia Grove Operations Pty Ltd, Public Lifestyle Management Pty Ltd and 146 Henderson Street Pty Ltd in its personal capacity and in its capacity as the trustee for 146 Henderson Street Unit Trust (all receivers and managers appointed) (all administrators appointed)
[2024] NSWSC 1325 Boyes v Thomson
[2024] NSWSC 374 Rifai v Woods  Am
[2024] NSWDC 498 R v Roussos (a pseudonym)  Am
[2023] NSWDC 619 R v Nydegger  Am
[2020] NSWCCA 312 Clement v R
[2024] NSWSC 1340 Alexiou v Alexiou
[2024] NSWCATOD 170 Deputy Secretary, Local Government, under delegation from the Secretary, Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure v Saravinovski
[2024] NSWCATAD 313 Goodenough v Coffs Harbour City Council (No 2)
[2024] NSWSC 1339 Wang v Fan
[2024] NSWCATOD 164 Health Care Complaints Commission v Della Bruna
[2024] NSWSC 1338 Permanent Custodians Ltd v Daneshyar Enterprise Pty Ltd
[2024] NSWSC 1341 Warwick Campbell v Star Electrical Co Pty Ltd & Ors  Am
[2024] NSWSC 81 Shazbot Pty Ltd v Warner Capital Pty Ltd (No 6)  Am
[2024] NSWDC 499 R v Nguyen
[2024] NSWCATOD 167 Health Care Complaints Commission v Amjadi  Am
[2024] NSWLEC 1669 Kotsis v Georges River Council
[2024] NSWLEC 1667 Archispectrum Pty Ltd v Georges River Council
[2024] NSWLEC 1659 Concretive Leppington 2 Pty Ltd ATF Concretive Leppington 2 Unit Trust v Liverpool City Council
[2024] NSWLEC 1670 Halasagi v Canada Bay Council
[2024] NSWCCA 91 R v VR  Am
[2024] NSWLEC 1668 Boundary Street Properties Pty Ltd v Burwood Council
[2024] NSWLEC 1671 The Owners – Strata Plan No 50747 v Zavetsanos
[2024] NSWSC 1332 Cook v Riding for the Disabled Association (NSW) & Anor
[2024] NSWCATAP 210 FVA v Commissioner of Police, NSW Police Force (No 2)
[2024] NSWCATCD 25 Hendy v Parsons
[2024] NSWSC 1311 State of New South Wales v Calhoun (a pseudonym) (Preliminary)
[2024] NSWCA 153 Air Canada v Evans  Am
[2024] NSWCA 144 Sinclair v Balanian  Am
[2024] NSWSC 1333 Re Dakota
[2024] NSWLEC 1664 Moore v Shoalhaven City Council
[2024] NSWDC 497 R v Edwards
[2024] NSWLEC 1663 Deutsch v Waverley Council
[2024] NSWLEC 1661 Silvernight (Crows Nest) Landowner Pty Ltd v North Sydney Council
[2024] NSWIRComm 1061 Blacktown City Council Minimum Conditions and Benefits of Employment Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027
[2024] NSWLEC 1662 Selim v Strathfield Municipal Council
[2024] NSWLEC 1656 Wheatley v The Hills Shire Council
[2024] NSWDC 496 R v Simon
[2024] NSWDC 495 R v Kirby
[2024] NSWDC 494 R v Towers
[2024] NSWSC 1329 Three Corner Group Pty Ltd v Mariacarmina La Rocca
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Medium Neutral Citation (MNC)

Each decision or judgment is assigned a unique number, which can be used to identify it. The Medium Neutral Citation, or MNC, is an international standard, and is made up of three parts:

  • [2014]
  • 98
  • The year
    2014 is year that the decision or judgment was delivered.
  • The court
    NSWSC is the New South Wales Supreme Court
  • The sequence no.
    In this case, 98. Sequence numbers may not represent the exact order.