UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT - failure to request female patient to get dressed after carrying out medical examination - inappropriate contact with patient during consultation - complaint by second patient not established - conditions imposed - practitioner reprimanded.
Judgment of
Staff J - Gordon, Dr R - Ilbery, Dr K - Smith, Mr RJ
MEDICAL PRACTITIONER - allegations of inappropriate conduct by general practitioner concerning vaginal examination and offer of breast examination -allegations not proven on required standard: Briginshaw v Briginshaw
Medical practitioner - professional misconduct - protective orders - costs - substantial departure from appropriate medical practice - split decision of the Tribunal.
Judgment of
Colefax SC DCJ; Dr. M. Giuffrida; Dr. M. Walker; Ms. J. Houen
MEDICAL PRACTITIONER - unsatisfactory professional conduct - professional misconduct - practice of inappropriate prescription of restricted Schedule 8 and Schedule 4D drugs without required authority - inadequate recordkeeping - imposition of protective orders and practice conditions
MEDICAL TRIBUNAL - breaches of practice and visa conditions by overseas medical graduate - whether unsatisfactory professional conduct - whether professional misconduct - protective orders to include deterrence - practice conditions
MEDICAL PRACTIONER - serious criminal conduct and convictions - indecent assault on teenage male patients - professional misconduct - suitability to hold registration - failure to comply with chaperone conditions - de-registration
Protective orders to be made following finding of professional misconduct - digital penetration- lack of insight- remorse- chaperone condition - maintenance of public confidence.
Judgment of
Murrell SC DCJ
Dr C Berglund
Dr E Kertesz
Dr G Yeo
MEDICAL PRACTITIONER - alcohol abuse by practitioner - inappropriate sexual comments in presence of patients - violent, aggressive or threatening behaviour to staff and patients - conducting consultations whilst under influence of alcohol - practice of inappropriate prescription of restricted Schedule 4D and Schedule 8 drugs - adequacy of records kept by practitioner - protective orders and practice conditions.
Judgment of
Judge P Lakatos SC
Dr Susan Messner
Dr Saw-Hooi Toh
Ms Geri Ettinger
Medical practitioner - professional misconduct - onus of proof - requirement for re-hearing if Deputy Chairperson retires before final orders - obligation of full disclosure by witness to the Tribunal, especially witnesses other than the respondent.
Judgment of
Colefax SC DCJ; Dr. M. Giuffrida; Dr. M. Walker; Ms. J. Houen
Medical practitioner - application to disqualify Deputy Chairperson refused - application to Tribunal struck out as an abuse of process - failures to comply with conditions of Supreme Court leave and directions of the Tribunal - inherent power in Tribunal of its own motion to strike out proceedings as an abuse of process.
MEDICAL PRACTITIONER - unsatisfactory professional conduct - professional misconduct - practice of inappropriate prescription of restricted Schedule 4D and Schedule 8 drugs without required authority - adequacy of records kept by practitioner - protective orders and practice conditions
Medical Practitioner - not fit and proper person - not able to practice competently and safely - insufficient recency of practice - appeal against decision of Medical Board of Australia's refusal to grant general registration - onus on proof of appeal - hearing de novo - costs follow the event
Judgment of
Colefax SC DCJ; Ms. A. Collier; Dr. S. Howle; Dr. V. de Carvalho
Medical Practitioner - finding of impairment - consideration of consequential or protective orders - finding that registration would have been cancelled if practitioner still registered - conditions imposed for review by Medical Council of New South Wales
Judgment of
Staff J; Dr Laurence Boshell; Dr Susan Messner; Dr Maureen Gleeson, PhD
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - Doctor on suspension by NSW Medical Board - complaints laid by the HCCC - competence and suitability implication on medical skill by focus on complementary medicine - ethical behaviour - misbehaviour but suitable to practice with conditions to address re-education in basic medical skills - principles applicable - costs awarded to complainant
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr Katherine Ilbery; Dr Vasco de Carvalho; Ms Annette Gray
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT - difficult patient with mental health problems and agoraphobia - failure of doctor over period to examine patient for clinical assessment - doctor prescribed anti-psychotic drugs without clinical examination - failure to keep proper and adequate medical records - doctor guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct - doctor to ensure accreditation of general practitioner's practice be sought and when obtained, the Medical Council to be notified and the Medical Council to review - each party pay own costs
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr E Kok, Dr W Jammal, Dr M Gleeson PhD
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - Doctor's competence to practice medicine challenged - in emergency department failure to properly diagnose patients - failure to properly take history - failure to recognise symptoms - analysis of care of four patients - doctor guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct in hospital environment - doctor's practice of medicine suspended - doctor in New Zealand - impaired finding given doctor's medical condition - doctor competent - Medical Council Review Body - suspension lifted when New Zealand clearance obtained - recommend to Medical Council when suspension lifted as to conditions - impairment to be recorded - appointment of a supervisor to monitor future practice - orders - suppression order on names of patients - no order as to costs
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr A Holdgate; Dr J Wright; Ms D Robinson
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - Doctor charged with failure to obtain informed consent for unique cosmetic surgery - failure to keep proper medical records - failure to ensure proper post-operative care - failure to ensure safe aseptic practices in day surgery - doctor's treatment one patient considered - doctor's conduct both unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct - limitation placed on doctor's practice of medicine - appointment of an independent supervisor - retraining recommended in many aspects of practitioner's medical practice - orders accordingly - costs
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr C Berglund PhD,
Dr J Sammut, Dr J Briedis
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - intimate involvement with patient - breach of NSW Medical Council's policy re sexual relationships and policy addressing the clinical treatment of family members - medical expert evidence persuades - cautioned - conditions imposed - costs
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - Complaint One admitted - Criminal convictions - no re-offence after 33 years - Complaints Two and Three: no offence related to the practice of medicine in the circumstance therefore no finding of unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct - offences some 13 years before qualification as a medical practitioner and eight years before doctor became medical student - unblemished conduct in practice of medicine since qualification - the Tribunal rejects the doctor engaged in improper conduct relating to the practice of medicine - Complaint Four: doctor not found to be unsuitable to practice medicine - conditions to practicing certificate attached in the public interest - costs
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr M Higgins; Dr M Diamond; Ms D Robinson
Application for a non-publication order made pursuant to Schedule 5D cl 7(1)(b)(iii) of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) No 86a - special and exceptional circumstances established - evidence satisfies safety of children at risk - orders in accordance with provisions of Schedule.
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr M Higgins; Dr M Diamond; Ms D Robinson
Appeal - failure of Medical Council of New South Wales to remove conditions imposed on medical practitioner's employment - whether medical practitioner suffering from impairment - finding by majority no impairment - appeal dismissed - conditions imposed - costs - Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) s 3, s 159, s 159C, s 167B, Schedule 5D
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - practitioner fails to attend hearing but written submissions tendered - no admissions made as to Complaints - many facts conceded re over prescribing and treating a person with whom the practitioner in a personal relationship - effect of s 167 of National Law - practitioner found to have engaged in both unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct - costs reserved - separate hearing on protective orders - costs reserved
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr Saw-Hooi Toh; Dr J Murray Wright; Ms Anne Collier
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - Doctor self administered pethidine, a Schedule 8 drug - doctor had access to drugs through over prescribing for patients - failure to keep proper medical records; clinical records and drug diary of some seven patients used to hide addiction - clinical records reveal deceit and dishonesty - doctor complied with programme under Impaired Doctor's Programme - doctor guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct - limitation continued on doctor's power to prescribe Schedule 8 drugs - limitation placed on doctor's practice of medicine - appointment of a supervisor to monitor future practice - orders - rejection of application for suppression order of doctor's name - suppression order on names of patients - costs
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr W Johnston; Dr P Tucker; Ms D Robinson
Application for re-registration following deregistration for professional misconduct in 1996 - finding applicant now of good character and fit and proper person - finding that applicant has genuine insight - Tribunal satisfied no relevant risk of recurrence of professional misconduct - finding that significant changes occurred in applicant's character - finding applicant has overcome flaws of character - application for reinstatement order granted with conditions - costs
Judgment of
Staff J; Dr V de Carvalho; Dr H Pedersen; Ms G Ettinger
Doctor charged inappropriate prescribing Schedule 4D and Schedule 8 drugs; failure to keep proper medical records; doctor's compliance with Impaired Doctor's Programme - doctor guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct - limitation placed doctor's practice - nature of practice to change - limitation on hours of work - supervision required - limitation on doctor's number of patients to be seen - limitation placed on doctor's power to prescribe Schedule 8 and Schedule 4D drugs - appointment of an independent supervisor - orders accordingly - costs
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr Victoria Sutton; Dr George Abouyanni; Ms Annette Gray
Medical practitioner - psychiatrist - professional misconduct - sexual relationship with a patient - failure to maintain appropriate professional boundaries - prior boundary violation - practitioner admits conduct - practitioner's registration disqualified for 18 months
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT - failure to comply with registration conditions - failure to communicate with mentor and to attend mentoring sessions - serious breach of conditions - subsequent exemplary participation in mentoring process - breach did not impact on ability to practice medicine - personal circumstances caused anxiety and stress - non-specific personality disorder - conditions imposed on registration not to be disturbed by Tribunal - practitioner reprimanded - order as to costs
Medical Practitioner - Registrar Obstetrics and Gynaecology - failure to make proper records of treatment of patients - unsatisfactory professional conduct - complaint that practitioner was not of good character not established - PRINCIPLES - finding of impairment and that practitioner is currently not competent to practice medicine - procedural fairness -parties to be given opportunity to be heard in respect of any consequential or protective orders
Judgment of
Staff J; Dr Laurence Boshell; Dr Susan Messner; Dr Maureen Gleeson, PhD
Medical practitioner - breach of conditions imposed by the New South Wales Medical Board - professional misconduct - unsatisfactory professional conduct - conditions imposed upon practitioner's registration - costs
Doctor on suspension by NSW Medical Board - complaint laid by the HCCC - Complaint as to doctor's unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct - evidence establishes: doctor's prescribing practices admitted and failure to keep proper medical records called into question doctor's conduct - conduct not in accordance with relevant standards - doctor contravened Medical Practice Regulations - doctor pleads guilty to unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct - restriction placed on doctor's practicing certificate by agreement - orders.
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr V De Carvalho; Dr M Walker; Dr J Mair
Doctor charged with failure to seek appropriate approval for prescribing Schedule 4D and Schedule 8 drugs; prescribing narcotics and other drugs to drug dependent patients; failure to keep proper medical records; doctor's treatment of some five patients considered - some factual allegations by HCCC not established - doctor guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct - limitation placed on doctor's power to prescribe Schedule 8 and Schedule 4D drugs and Panadeine Forte - number of patients to be seen on average in one day and one week - appointment of an independent supervisor - orders accordingly.
UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT - failure to keep proper records - performed procedure on particular patient in breach of prior undertaking - alleged failure to fully inform a particular patient of nature and consequences of an operation - surrounding hospital circumstances taken into account - practitioner cautioned - no order as to costs
Doctor on suspension by NSW Medical Board - two complaints laid by the HCCC - First complaint as to doctor's professional misconduct - evidence establishes: doctor's practice below standard - doctor engaged in unethical conduct and contravened conditions to which his registration was then subject - doctor contravened Part 3 of Medical Practice Regulation - doctor guilty of professional misconduct - Second complaint - medical evidence plus doctor's presentation persuades doctor suffers an impaired intellectual and cognitive functioning - Doctor's name be removed from the register of medical practitioners - doctor not apply for re-registration for three years - Costs - principles applicable - costs awarded to complainant.
Judgment of
Kavanagh J; Dr M Giuffrida; Dr V Sutton; Dr J Mair
General practitioner - inappropriate prescribing of benzodiazepines, diazepam, oxycodone, ms contin, pethidine and codeine phosphate to drug dependent patients where the medical practitioner knew or ought reasonably to have known of their drug dependence - continuing to prescribe to known "doctor shoppers" in quantities which exceeded therapeutic guidelines - continuing to prescribe when practitioner knew or ought to have known another general practitioner was also prescribing - continuing to prescribe without specialist assessment - failure to recognise repeated drug seeking behaviour - prescribing without holding or applying for an authority under s 28 of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966 - failure to make and/or retain proper records of treatment of patients contrary to cl 5 and cl 6 of the Medical Practice Regulation 2003 - professional misconduct - amended complaint - procedural fairness - principles - penalty - rights to prescribe Schedule 4 and Schedule 8 drugs removed - practitioner reprimanded - other conditions imposed
Judgment of
Staff J; Dr S Toh; Dr M Higgins; Assoc Prof A Glass
Professional misconduct Unsatisfactory professional conduct Abuse of trust Vulnerable patient Poor communication Inadequate record-keeping Sexually inappropriate behaviour Digital penetration Deregistration
Judgment of
Murrell SC DCJ, Dr E. Kertesz, Dr G. Yeo, Dr C. Berglund, PHD
APPLICATION - reinstatement order - following deregistration for professional misconduct in 2010 - finding applicant now of good character and fit and proper person - Tribunal satisfied no relevant risk of recurrence of professional misconduct - finding that significant change has occurred in applicant's character - finding applicant has overcome flaws of character and temperament that led him to commit the misconduct - finding applicant has intellectual insight into conduct which led to deregistration - application for reinstatement order granted with conditions - COSTS
Judgment of
Staff J; Dr V De Carvalho; Dr M Walker; Ms D Robinson
PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - personal and intimate relationship with patient - practitioner inappropriately prescribed Ritalin without authority to prescribe - professional misconduct requiring a severe reprimand and the imposition of conditions on his registration to minimise the risk of recurrence
Judgment of
Staff J - Hely, Dr J - Christie, Dr A - Smith, Mr RJ
PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT :- sexual relations with patient - conduct admitted by medical practitioner - civil penalty - principles - removal from register - whether permanently unfit to practice - genuine contrition - real and genuine insight into unethical conduct - practitioner suspended - conditions imposed - costs.
Judgment of
Staff J - Toh, Dr S - de Carvalho, Dr V - Mair, Dr J
COSTS - proceedings before Medical Tribunal of New South Wales - finding that practitioner guilty of professional misconduct - appeal to Court of Appeal - matter remitted to Tribunal for rehearing - finding of professional misconduct - principles - costs orders made in respect of initial hearing before Tribunal on basis of payment by unsuccessful party
Judgment of
Staff J - Child, Dr D - Ilbery, Dr K - Gleeson, Dr M
General practitioner - Unsatisfactory professional conduct - Professional misconduct - Drug-dependent patients - Prescription of Schedule 4D restricted substances in inappropriate circumstances - No authority to prescribe Schedule 8 drugs of addiction - Deficient record-keeping - Protection of the public - General deterrence - Fine and other conditions imposed
Judgment of
Murrell, SC DCJ - Kertesz, Dr E - Sutton, Dr V - Houen, Ms J
Removal from Register - Conduct reprehensible - Conduct amounting to complete abrogation of responsibility - Prescribing on demand - Prescribing without knowledge - Prescribing outside clinical setting - Self-prescription of benzodiazapines - Failure to advise the Medical Board of criminal convictions
Judgment of
Ainslie-Wallace, DCJ - Kok, Dr E - Kertesz, Dr E - Gray, Ms A
Child pornography convictions - Failure to advise the NSW Medical Board of criminal convictions - Professional miscondict and unsatisfactory professional conduct - Reprimand - Conditions placed on practice - 'In the practice of medicine' - relationship between conduct constituting an offence and the provision of professional services - "prohibited person " classification places restriction on the practice of medicine which is conduct relating to the practice of medicine - good character - defect of character
Judgment of
Ainslie-Wallace, DCJ - Anderson, Dr P - Sammut, Dr J - Ettinger, Ms G
Unsatisfactory professional conduct - Reprimand - Medical Ethics - Complete schedule pursuant to Schedule 2 Mental Health Act 1990 when he knew the patient was detained in prison - Gave the schedule to the Mother of the patient - Failure to maintain adequate records - Relationship with patient's partner - Obtain access to patients pathology records without the patient's consent.
Judgment of
Ainslie-Wallace, DCJ - O'Brien, Dr E - Edwards, Dr K - Mair, Dr J -
Prescription of drugs of addiction to patient with whom in relationship - Failure to maintain proper drugs register - Failure to secure prescription pads - Previous unblemished record of long-term practice as general practitioner
Judgment of
Sidis, DCJ - Sutton, Dr V - Abouyanni, Dr G - Collier Ms A
PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - respondent doctor signed a statement knowing that it would be presented to an inquiry conducted by the Medical Board into a practice conducted by another medical practitioner where he was employed - respondent careless and reckless in permitting statement to be relied upon - care exercised significantly below the standard reasonably expected of an experienced medical practitioner - respondent engaged in conduct relating to the practice of medicine in signing statement - conduct improper or unethical - respondent acknowledged misconduct - contrition - Tribunal satisfied misconduct would not be repeated - practice of medicine over lengthy period exemplary - professional misconduct - reprimand.
Appeal against refusal of general registration - Appeal against conditions imposed on general registration - Role of Medical Council to provide assistance and support to practitioners - Duty of Medical Council to protect public health and safety
Judgment of
Murrell, SC DCJ - Kendrick, Dr J - Abouyanni, Dr G - Ettinger, Ms G
PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - during a professional consultation with a female patient in his surgery, the Respondent doctor touched her in an inappropriate manner, including the placing of his tongue on her lips, and spoke to her in an inappropriate manner - professional misconduct requiring a reprimand and the imposition of conditions on his registration to minimise the risk of recurrence
Judgment of
Johnstone, DCJ - Yeo, Dr G - Hely, Dr J - Glass, Assoc Prof A
PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - inappropriate and irresponsible prescription of certain drugs, failing to keep proper medical records in respect of the prescription of those drugs, providing signed prescriptions for the drug Nilstat to a person who was not a registered medical practitioner - conduct amounting to serious professional misconduct deserving of significant disapprobation - misconduct requiring de-registration
Judgment of
Johnstone, DCJ - Toh, Dr S - de Carvalho, Dr V - Gleeson, Dr M
PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT - Respondent doctor practising medicine without approved professional indemnity insurance, failing to comply with orders of the Medical Tribunal, and failing to provide information required by the Board relating to his insurance and relating to his failure to complete courses as ordered by the Medical Tribunal - Respondent doctor not currently fit to practise medicine - misconduct requiring de-registration - COSTS - power of the Tribunal to determine costs - the successful party has a “reasonable expectation” of being awarded costs against the unsuccessful party - the presumption is based on the principle that costs are compensatory, and applies to a Medical Tribunal - it is for the losing party to establish a basis for any departure from the usual rule
Judgment of
Johnstone, DCJ - Toh, Dr S - de Carvalho, Dr V - Houen, Ms J
Sold restricted substances to patients and persons unknown for personal financial gain - Supply drugs without prescription - Engaged in improper, unethical conduct relating to the practice of medicine - Self-prescription - Respondent not of good character
Judgment of
Ainslie-Wallace, DCJ - Glover, Prof W - Jammal, Dr W - Houen, Ms J
Medical practitioner (GP Anaesthetist) with alcohol dependence - History of failure to comply with conditions on practice imposed by the Medical Board as a part of Impaired Registrants' Program - Attended at hospital while under the influence of alcohol - Misleading statements made to the Board appointed psychiatrist and Tribunal about use of alcohol - Unsatisfactory professional conduct - Professional misconduct - Practitioner removed from the register of medical practitioners
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Warden, Dr J - Diamond, Dr M - Collier Ms A
Application to be restored to the register of medical practitioners following deregistration for fraud in 1992 (fourth such application since deregistration) - Whether practitioner has overcome defect in character that led to deregistration - Whether otherwise appropriate for practitioner to be restored to the register - Application for re-registration (by majority) refused
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Glover, Prof W - - Glass, Assoc Prof A
Practitioner appealing from orders of Review Panel - Appeal dismissed - and orders of Panel confirmed - Practitioner involved in medico-legal assessments found to have engaged in rude and insensitive comments with a number of patients - poor communication skills - Standard of proof
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Child, Dr D - Harvey-Sutton, Dr P - Glass, Assoc Prof A
Medical practitioner having inappropriate social and physical contact, and inappropriate discussion, with vulnerable patient - whether professional misconduct as opposed to unsatisfactory professional conduct
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Child, Dr D - Zetler, Dr I - Berglund Dr C
General practitioner inappropriately prescribed benzodiazepines and Pethidine to drug dependent patients when he knew or ought reasonably to have known of their drug dependence - Practitioner prescribed in inappropriate circumstances and on occasions without authority to prescribe - Practitioner admits his conduct was sufficiently serious to constitute professional misconduct - $20,000 fine imposed - Right to prescribe Schedule 4 and Schedule 8 drugs removed - Other conditions imposed
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Harris, Dr B - Harris, Dr N - Collier Ms A
Failure to obtain authorisation to prescribe drugs - Prescribing in excess of amount authorised to prescribe - Serious misconduct exacerbated by repondent's persistence in the conduct over significant period
Judgment of
Ainslie-Wallace, DCJ - Zetler, Dr I - Spark, Dr R - Kiel, Ms H
Prescribe drug without authority - Prescribe drug of addiction knowing patient a drug addict - Failure to maintain proper professional boundaries - Failure to maintain proper record of treatment
Judgment of
Ainslie-Wallace, DCJ - Wroth, Dr M - Toh, Dr S - Smith, Mr RJ
Medical practitioner found guilty of possession of child pornography as defined by and in breach of s 578B Crimes Act - whether circumstances of offence rendered practitioner unfit to practise medicine - whether not of good character - whether commission of offence was "professional misconduct"
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Giuffrida, Dr M - Ng, Dr J - Napier, Ms L
Prescription of restricted substances and drugs of addiction - Failure to record diagnoses, medical treatment, particulars of clinical opinion and full particulars of prescribing
Judgment of
Ainslie-Wallace, DCJ - Yeo, Dr G - Hely, Dr J - McNeil, P
Professional misconduct - indecent assaults on patients - improper conduct - breach of Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 - issue of standard of proof - good character
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Giuffrida, Dr M - Yeo, Dr G - Houen, Ms J
Possession of prohibited firearms and unlicensed firearms - Breaches of AVO - Issue as to whether medical practitioner not of good character as a consequence of these convictions and other matters
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Child, Dr D - Traill, Dr R - Gray, Ms A
Former medical practitioner's application for review - effect of specification pursuant to s 92(3)(a) Medical Practice Act 1992 of a period within which application for review cannot be brought - whether legislative proscription can be overcome - discussion of powers of Tribunal
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Pasfield, Dr M - Gordon, Dr R - Mair, Dr J
Application for re-registration - refusal to admit past misconduct (indecent assaults on patients) - other issues relevant to good character - consideration of principles applicable to reinstatement to the register
Judgment of
Rein, SC DCJ - Toh, Dr S - Mares, Dr S - Smith, Mr RJ
Unsatisfactory Professional Conduct - Professional Misconduct - Doctor hepatitis B positive - Did not disclose to Medical Board - Put Patients at Risk - Failed to comply with policy statement on Blood Borne Viruses - Dishonest at s.66 Enquiry
Judgment of
Walmsley, SC DCJ - Glover, Prof W - Kusuma, Ms R - Wroth, Dr M
Deregistration - Professional Misconduct - Self administration of illicit drugs - Fraudulent use of prescriptions - Breaches of practice conditions - Impairment by addiction to deleterious drug
Judgment of
Walmsley, SC DCJ at 1 - Gleeson, Dr M - Kendrick, Dr J - Mares, Dr S